WADSA works with recreation centres and community providers in regional WA to develop sport and recreation activities that are suitable for people with disabilities such as multisports, aqua programs and competitions. Regional activities are delivered by WADSA in partnership with other organisations across regional WA.
WADSA provides:
- Conservation Pursuits
- Adventures
- Nature Activities
- Competitions
- Camps
Leeuwin Ocean Adventure sailing
Leeuwin Ocean Adventure delivers Australia’s only tall ship personal development program for people with disability, through its annual Ultimate Challenge Voyage.For over thirty years, Leeuwin Ocean Adventure, the Ultimate Challenge Voyage has offered people with an intellectual, physical or sensory challenge a life-building adventure which is a powerful source of cognitive and emotional stimulation, challenge and accomplishment. Outdoor Adventure Education makes a difference to lives, offering experiences beyond the status quo, encouraging new behaviours, strengthening self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy.
All participants work as a team within their watch. Our experienced crew and volunteers collaborate with participants to be independent and involved as trainee crew members.
This voyage is open to participants over 14 years of age.