Outdoor Safety Month Funding Outdoor Safety Month: Launching “Adventure Smart WA” With more people exploring Western Australia’s great outdoors, the rise in rescues involving...
Wrapping up 2024, looking forward to 2025 All industries go through cycles. And we truly believe the Outdoor Industry is on an “up” cycle right now, and...
Webinar –Design and plant registration requirements for flying foxes (ziplines) You can view a copy of the presentation delivered by WorkSafe on the design and plant registration requirements for flying...
Outdoors October Virtual Hike Challenge To help kick start your outdoor health journey, this October we’ve teamed up with the Bibbulmun Track Foundation to create...
Outdoors WA Health Report The Outdoors WA health report pulls together decades of research and consults local experts on the direct and immediate benefits...
August Newsletter NEW OUTDOOR LEADERS’ REGO SCHEME Since the National Outdoor Leaders Registration Scheme dissolved in June 2021, the WA outdoor industry...
OCA Welcomes Funding to Review the Aust. AAS & GPGs Outdoor Council of Australia (OCA), the national peak body for the outdoor industry, is pleased to advise it has been...
June Newsletter NOEC AWARDS OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS We’d love to see WA taking out some of the Award gongs at this year’s...
April Newsletter Outdoor Leaders Registration Scheme It’s been a while since NOLRS (the National Outdoor Leaders Registration Scheme) folded. Sadly, it was...